- No Game club today (Tuesday) Ms. Edwards will be out
- Chess club will meet tomorrow (Wednesday) this week in Room #105 (Mr. D's Room) from 2:15 to 3:15. All are welcome!
- Math team practice today and Wednesday Feb 8th from 2:25 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. in Rm 107
- Art club is canceled for today.
- There will be a SAAC Meeting tomorrow (Wednesday), after school, in the Lecture Hall. Any, and all student-athletes are welcomed to attend
- The next unified home basketball game is THURSDAY at 3:30 when the team hosts Orono. Lets have a great turnout like we had on Friday.
- The sign ups for Seniors vs Faculty Basketball and Volleyball will begin WEDNESDAY. Seniors pay $15 and get a Class of 2023 t-shirt and ability to play in the games. First 20 for basketball and first 15 for volleyball are in.
Morning Announcements 02-07-2023
February 7, 2023