- Chess Club will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in Mr. Donovan's room (#105). The first meeting is on Tuesday, September 6.
- The Witches' Workshop is open. Now is the time to establish good study habits. Make an appointment to visit us and stay caught up in your work! Hope to see you soon!
- Attention current NHS students: If you are interested in being a student tutor in the Witches' Workshop, please reach out to Mrs. S Pelletier by this Friday, September 9.
- The Student-Athlete Advisory Council will hold its first meeting of the school year on WEDNESDAY after school in the cafeteria. Any student-athlete who wants to be involved should attend.
- Attention all students - the first GSA Club meeting of the year will be this Friday, September 9, from 2:15-3:00 in room 104. GSA is our Gender, Sexuality, and Alliance Club, and we'd love to have anyone come and learn more! If you have questions, see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. MacDonald.
- Interested in joining the mock trial team? We will be having our first meeting on Tuesday, September 13th at 2:20 in room 309. All are welcome!
- Sign up's for PSAT's will be happening this week for JUNIORS- check your email from Ms. Oakes to sign up!
Morning Announcements 09-06-2022
September 6, 2022