Morning Announcement
  • Students wishing to go to Witches Workshop need to be signing up BEFORE the block they would like to attend. This applies to all types of visits: making up a test, quiet study or help with homework. If you do not make an appointment, you will likely be asked to return to study hall. Instructions have been emailed to the student body many times this year. Thank you for your assistance with this.
  • The Ken Locke Annual Stream Clean-up is coming up. This community service event gets you outside to help cleanup our community and you get a catered meal by Jeff's catering after! Stop by Student Services by April 28th for more information on how to sign up.
  • If you have misplaced a jacket, sweatshirt, lunchbox or anything that may be in lost and found, there is a table outside the Library. Please look for your lost items there. Any items that have not been claimed before April break will be donated.
  • Girls Lacrosse will meet on tomorrow (THURSDAY) in the Lecture Hall, after school to go over the upcoming plan for the club program and setting a schedule.
  • the FINAL round of the spring online store closes tomorrow (THURSDAY). All orders placed through tomrrow (Thursday) will be processed on Friday. Get your spring fan gear, or team specific gear by Thursday!
  • Kiah Scholarship Applications remain available. The deadline is April 4th!
  • Attention all students who are taking the AP Exams. If you have a balance due on your AP Exam you need to pay that balance as soon as possible. Please see Mrs. Goodrich with your payment. If you are are unsure if you have a balance, please see Mrs. Goodrich.