Morning Announcement
  • Attention all students in Grades 9-11: Your course request Google Form must be completed by today. Refer to the email you received from Ms. Sevigny with the links.
  • The BOYS Power Puff VOLLEYBALL tournament will take place THURSDAY, April 15th. This is a change in the original date. Boys must register by grade in the main office on the appropriate sign up sheet. The cost to play is $15 and gets you your class t-shirt and into the tournament. Last year's champions, the Class of 2021, challenge all of you to see who is the best! No pay, no play.
  • OE is having their annual yard sale this Saturday from 8am-3pm. It is an outside event in the High School Parking lot with COVID safety regulations. There are many, many items and a huge variety of treasures. If you know of people looking for good quality used furniture, we have a lot! Please stop by and check it out and spread the word as this is one of the biggest fundraisers we do. You can also drop off cans and bottles for donation. Thank you for supporting our Outdoor Education program!
  • Any individuals interested in joining track and field and the tennis teams must do so by the end of the week. Although we are in week 1, we still want to have you participate. Please register and join before it's too late! If you are interested in track, you can see Mr. Rand or Coach Juilli or Mrs. Saunders in the main office. If interested in tennis, please see Mr. Utterback or Mrs. Saunders.