- Attention all students in Grades 9-11: Your course request Google Form must be completed by Thursday. Refer to the email you received from Ms. Sevigny with the links.
- Juniors participating in Junior Ex are reminded of the Wednesday afternoon rehearsal. This is for all participating students. We will meet in the lecture hall at 2:20. Please bring laptops to be able to access skits.
- The BOYS Power Puff VOLLEYBALL tournament will take place THURSDAY, April 15th. This is a change in the original date. Boys must register by grade in the main office on the appropriate sign up sheet. The cost to play is $15 and gets you your class t-shirt and into the tournament. Last year's champions, the Class of 2021, challenge all of you to see who is the best! No pay, no play.
Morning Announcements 3-30-2021
March 30, 2021