- Attention Seniors: All senior yearbook information and photos are due by the end of the day on October 31st. Please click on the Yearbook link on the BHS homepage for more information.
- Seniors applying to UMaine, Husson, EMCC or USM check your email for important information about on the spot admissions days from Ms. Cone. Instruction on how to register and application deadlines are included in the email.
- Do you know a Veteran or someone who has served in our military? If so, please email Mrs. Coffe a picture of them, with their name and branch. We need the pictures by next Friday - November 6th.
- All National Honor Society forms and paperwork due by November 1st. Please email Mr Libby if you have any questions.
- There will be a Civil Rights Team VIRTUAL meeting Nov 4th 11 am. New members that would like to join please email or speak with Ms McLaughlin or Mrs. Peirce.
We will be discussing participation, future projects and those that would like to be part of the "District Task Force." The Task Force will continue last year's work in moving the district in a positive direction in racial, equity, and justice. - There will be a virtual GSA meeting next Wednesday at 12:30 for anyone interested in attending. The GSA welcomes all people, including allies, who are interested in creating a welcoming and safe space for our LBGTQ+ community at BHS. Please see Mrs. MacDonald or Mrs. MacEwen if you are interested.
Morning Announcements 10-30-2020
October 30, 2020