- Are you interested in helping out in the community? Key Club's first meeting will be Next Tuesday, October 10, directly afterschool in Mrs. Coffe's room - 317. Everyone is welcome to join.
- Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, the Se Beowulf Society is looking for a few good members! Help support literacy in our community. See Ms. Kelley in room 307 or check the Se Beowulf bulletin board in the cafeteria for an application.
- SOPHOMORES: There will be a brief informational meeting about the Turkey Trot, as well as a t-shirt vote, in Mrs. Decker's Room today (Wednesday, October 4th) at 2:15. Please email Mrs. Decker or Ms. Colpitts if you cannot attend but would like to help out with this fundraiser.
- Student Council will meet today(Wednesday) directly after school in room 317. Anyone is welcome to join!
- If you are bringing a date from another school to the Homecoming dance, you must complete a dance guest form. Those forms are available here in the main office. Completed forms must be submitted no later than 2:10 on Thursday, October 11.
Morning Announcements 10-04-2023
October 4, 2023