- Looking to give back to your community? The Ken Locke Annual Stream Clean up is looking for volunteers on Saturday May 13th, there is a flyer outside student services for more information.
- Attention seniors..... prom tickets are available through Thurs 5/11; before and after school in room 309. Class dues must be paid in full in order to receive a ticket good for you and one guest.
- Art Club will meet on Thursday, May 11th in room 318 from 2:30-3:30.
- For over 4 decades, the Passamaquoddy nation at Sipiyak, Maine has suffered from critical levels of water pollution that has prevented them from obtaining clean water. Many residents of Sipiyak suffer from chronic and serious health conditions due to the unsafe water quality there. To help out the residents of Sipiyak, the Concurrent Speech and Communication class is asking for anyone to donate water at the collection sites around the school. We will be accepting donations of any type of unopened store-bought water. Drop off locations include the rooms of Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Martin, Mme. Trebouet, Mr. Rand, Mr. Libby, Mrs. Jordan, and Ms. Johnson. If you would like more information, see the posters placed around the school or speak with Mrs. MacDonald in room 104.
- Friday, May 12, 2023 will be an Early Release Day. If you would like a bag lunch before dismissal, please sign up in the main office or the cafeteria by Thursday morning.
Morning Announcements 05-09-2023
May 9, 2023