Family update

BCS Family Update 

September 16th, 2022

We have had an amazing start to the school year here at BCS! We are so proud of how quickly our students and staff have settled into the new school year. Below please find some building updates as well as a message from our amazing PTU!

We have an Early Release Day coming up on September 23rd. On these days, students are dismissed 3 hours ahead of the normal time, so middle School students dismissal is 10:50-11 and Elementary dismissal is 11:45-12. There is also a teacher workshop day (full day) coming up on October 7th, ahead of the long weekend.

School Picture Day for BCS is on September 29th. Informational flyers came home this week and you can look for an order form coming home early next week!

Safety update: We have had three evacuation drills since the start of school. Students and staff are doing an amazing job with these! Here are some pick up and drop off reminders that were shared last week from our amazing School Resource Officer to help keep everyone safe. 

  • Middle school students should not arrive prior to 7:30 and Elementary students should not arrive before 8:10 as there is no supervision before those times 

  • Speed limit in our traffic circle is 5 mph 

  • Pull forward as far as possible in the circle when picking up or dropping off Park in parking lot areas whenever leaving the vehicle -Always park in the lot and walk pk/k students to the door/gate 

  • Always let your child out from passenger (curb) side of vehicle -Use of cell phones when operating motor vehicle is prohibited and particularly unsafe in the school area 

  • Be aware of and stay clear of the crosswalks, pedestrians always have the right of way

A note from Food Services: Sept. 19th, Monday's lunch menu has changed. 1st choice will be Chef Boyardee Ravioli, instead of Cheeseburger. 2nd choice will be hamburger. 

A Message from the Brewer PTU:

Dear BCS parents, staff, and students, 

Hope your kiddos are off to a great 2022/2023 school year. The PTU team is excited to host events and begin fundraising for enrichment activities, but we cannot do it without you. We invite you to attend a meeting to learn what PTU is all about! We will be discussing events, fundraising, and welcoming new board members! Our next meeting will be October 17th at 6pm in the BCS library.

How can you help from the comfort of your home? There are a lot of effortless ways for you to contribute to your kid’s enrichment activities and our nonprofit program without much effort:

• Fundraising (help kids sell and understand why they are selling the products) 

• CLYNK bags (get bags at the office, fill bags with returnable items, bring full bags to Hannaford, the money goes right to PTU for playground equipment) 

• Drop The Guilt (see below) 

• AmazonSmile (in the Amazon app, under Accounts + Lists, find AmazonSmile Charity Lists. Search Brewer Parents and Teacher United)

Our first fundraiser is live and will be open until 10/15/22. FLOWER POWER - purchase hardy bulbs to plant late fall and enjoy this spring when all the dreaded snow melts! Orders can be shipped directly to purchasers' home for a small shipping fee. This organization gives 50% of the sales back to the PTU.

Our Facebook page is updated regularly with information, events, and fundraising details. Please reach out to us through Facebook or email ( with any questions or suggestions. 

Drop the Guilt and Skip the Fundraisers

$10 ______ I do not want to bake, so here is the money I would have spent on those cupcakes

$25 ______ I do not want to hit up friends, family, or co-workers, so here is the money I would have spent buying that wrapping paper

$75 ______ I do not want to walk, swim, or run in any activity with the word “thon” in it. Here is the money I would have spent on my child’s “free” Tshirt

$100 ______ I would not have helped anyway, here is $100 to forget my name

$ ________ I am making this donation to express my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell or do except fill out this form. 

If you would like to send a monetary donation to PTU please include your name, child’s name(s), and phone number. Checks made payable to Brewer PTU. Thank you for your support!