Dear BCS Families,
The end of the school year is quickly approaching and we wanted to update you on a few important items and also provide you with a list of events coming up in the next few busy weeks of school. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have!
Covid Test Kits: BCS has received covid test kits and we will begin distributing free home COVID-19 test kits in the coming days to any family wanting them. Each kit includes 5 tests, and we can distribute one kit per BCS student. (If you have more than one student at BCS, we can provide you a kit for each one.) Here is a link to a google form in which you can request that (and give permission that) a kit be sent home with your student(s). Please include each student's name and grade from your household on this form and we will send kits home for those requesting it next week. If you prefer to pick up a test kit, you may stop by the office window between 7:30am and 4:00pm. (Please understand that during the busy arrival and dismissal times there may be a wait.) Here is a link to the Clinitest Kit How to video.
PK/K Registration: If you know a student who has not yet registered for PK or K next fall, please call the office or stop by to pick up a registration packet. We are currently scheduling Kindergarten screening for students new to BCS, and early registration will ensure that your child is able to participate in the screening. (Current PK students do not need to do this.)
End of Year Event Calendar
May 26th- Grades 3-6 Band/Chorus Concert
May 31st- Kindergarten field trip
June 1st- Art Show and Ice Cream social
June 2nd- Grades 7/8 Concert
June 3rd - Reading for Recreation Assemblies 8:30 (Grades 6-8) and 9:00 (Grades 3-5)
June 7th Elementary Field Day (rain day 8th)
June 8th Grade 1 Maine Discovery Museum Visits BCS 9:00, 9:50, 12:00
June 8th- Grade 2 Parent Share 6:00pm (Hall, Benner, S. Bryant)
June 9th Middle School Field Day (rain day 10th)
June 9th- Grade 2 Parent Share 6:00pm (Pierce, Knowles, Becker)
June 10th - Swan Lake (8th grade rain date)
June 10th- Grade 2 Movie in PAC, 9:00am
June 13th - 8th Grade Dinner Dance 6:30-8:30 @ Jeff's Catering
June 13th - Swan Lake (8th Grade)
June 13th Grade 1 Movie 9:00 in PAC
June 14th - PK graduation 3-5pm (Mikayla and Olivia) and 5-7pm (Tiffany)
June 14th - "Get Outta Class" Dodgeball 8:00-9:30 in gym
June 14th Last Day of School, Report cards Home, Early Release Day
Have a great afternoon/evening!
-Jason Richards, Middle School Principal
-Allison Kahkonen, Elementary Principal
-Samantha Pangburn, Assistant Principal