BCS Family Update
April 25th, 2022
Welcome back! We hope that all of our BCS families had a restful and relaxing April vacation week! Below, please find a few items we wanted to make you aware of as we begin the final stretch of the 2021-2022 school year!
End of year events: Spring events are in full swing here at school. Sports have begun, we had our first band and choral concerts, and classrooms had the opportunity earlier this month to visit our “sugar shack” and learn how maple syrup is made. We are so happy to be hosting many of our traditional end of year events this spring. Keep your eyes open for invitations and more dates coming soon!
Reading For Recreation: Grade 3-8 students recently brought home information on the Reading for Recreation program, formerly known as “Books for Bikes.” This annual event is a spring favorite for many of our students!
Fall 2022 information: Please see this link for information on the classroom placement process for the 2021-2022 school year. We ask that any parent/guardian input for next year be submitted by email to the school counselor for their current grade level no later than May 6th, please.
Assessments: Our spring NWEA testing window is coming up in May for grades 3-8. NWEA is a computer based test that includes a reading, math, and language test session that each last about an hour. We do these twice per year in Brewer to monitor progress of our students. (In the spring, they are also counting as our required MEA testing for grades 3-8.) Each grade level has selected the dates and times to complete these important assessments, and teachers will communicate these with you. Grades 5 and 8 also complete the required MEA science testing during this test window.