2021-2022 BCS Remote
Learning Plan
Student/Family Links to Remote Schedules:
Related Arts links: Related Arts Remote Links for BCS Specials
Kindergarten: Remote Kindergarten Schedule 21-22
Grade 1: Remote Schedule
Grade 2: Grade 2 Remote Learning Plan
Grade 3: Grade 3 Remote Schedule 21-22
Grade 4:2021 Grade 4 Remote Schedule
Grade 5: Grade 5 Remote Schedule
Grade 6: 2021 Grade 6 Remote Schedule
Grade 7: Grade 7 Remote Schedule 2021
Grade 8: Grade 8 Remote Schedule 2021
Teachers and teams have developed classroom expectations with students here at school. Here are some general things that families should know about any remote learning experience:
Attendance will be taken at each virtual session. Students will be expected to follow scheduled times and stay logged into classes until the session is done. If your child is not feeling well or is not able to attend, please call the school office in the morning to report their absence.
Students should have their camera on. Students will be engaged and ready to turn their audio on to participate in discussions or answer questions.
To respect the privacy of other students in the class meetings, parents are encouraged to treat these sessions like a “normal” in-person class where they would not be present and to observe other boundaries of a regular instructional day/session. Serious privacy issues demand that parents/guardians contact building administration should they want to visit a classroom with advance notice. Recording of sessions is not allowed due to student privacy.
Meal orders and pick up available daily by filling out district Lunch Request Form. Pick up the lunch by driving up to the front entrance at Brewer Community School between 11 and 12. Please submit your form by 9:00 a.m. on the day the lunch is needed.
Questions/Concerns: We are here to help! Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or call the school office (404-5700) if you have any questions or needs.