August Family Update

August, 2021

Dear BCS Families,

We are so excited to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year at BCS! Working together, we know that we can make this an amazing year for all of our BCS students, staff and families. Below you will find news from our July letter, as well as some additional information that has been updated since that time. 

Classroom assignments for all K-6 rooms have now been established. If you do not know who your child’s K-6 classroom teacher is, please feel free to call the office.  Penquis and the Pre-K staff will reach out to notify their families of teacher assignments once their enrollment process and screenings are completed.  Homeroom placements for grades 7 and 8 will be shared as a part of our open house and the first days of school.

Our amazing grade level teams have each provided a welcome letter and list of suggested school supplies for their students, which we have linked at the end of this letter, and have also posted on our website. Please remember that the school has everything your child needs, but these lists are provided each summer for families who prefer to purchase their own.  We also have several backpacks and supplies in the office-- please reach out if you need anything!

Sports Physicals are required for all students that plan on participating in BCS extracurriculars prior to tryouts.  Please take a few moments to read the Sports Physical Letter with important information on the details and requirements.  The BCS Sports Physical Form must be completed by your child’s physician.

For planning purposes, we have listed our arrival and dismissal times for those who transport their child(ren) to and from school. This year we will return to our “normal” staggered arrival times and will keep a slight stagger for elementary dismissal to help alleviate parking/traffic issues. We ask that you do not drop students off early, as there will not be supervision before the times listed below.  

Middle School Arrival: 7:30-7:50

Elementary Arrival: 8:10-8:30

Middle School Dismissal:  Pick up 1:50, Bus 1:55

Elementary Dismissal:

  • Grades 3 & 4 Pick up - 2:45 (main entrance)

  • Grades 1 & 2 Pick up - 2:45 (playground gate by the marquee)

  • K Pick up - 2:50 (playground gate by the marquee)

  • PK pick up 2:50 (near main entrance)

We also have many staffing additions/changes that we are excited to announce for this fall! The following teachers are not new to our school, but have shifted their assignment for this year:

  • Allison Smith to K-3 Resource

  • Jamie Emerson to Life Skills (5-8)

  • Blair Mamaril to grade 6 resource

  • Andrea Morin to grade 7 resource

  • Jay Adams to grade 8 resource

  • Laura Stowe to grade 5 resource

  • Jacquie Palmer to Grade 7 reading

  • Rhonda Smith to to grade 6

  • Pam McGinn to .5 Assistant Special Education Director, and .5 Strategist

The following staff are new to our BCS faculty, and we hope you will join us in welcoming them to our community:

  • Emileigh Puccetti, grade 7 math

  • Carly Seymour, Kindergarten

  • Breannah Geiser, grade 6

  • Kayla Libby, Special Education Social Worker

  • Sam Nichols, grade 5

  • Phil Turmelle, grade 6

  • Heather Russell, Regular Ed, Ed Tech K-4

  • Tammy Brydges, Regular Ed, Ed Tech 5-8

  • Mandy Redman, Ed tech I

  • Shauna Brown, Ed tech III

  • Jessica McPherson, Ed tech I

  • Cindy Mclaughlin, Ed tech I

With the many changes in staffing since spring due to a variety of reasons, there have been some changes in teacher assignments to homerooms.  Those changes are as follows:

  1. Students placed in Fonrouge’s homeroom are now in Rhonda Smith’s 6th grade classroom

  2. Students placed in Palmer’s homeroom are now in Breannah Geiser’s 6th grade classroom

  3. Students placed in Smith’s homeroom are now in Sam Nichol’s 5th grade classroom

Our open houses are scheduled for August 25th (Middle School) and August 26th (Elementary.)  As noted in Mr. Palmer’s letter earlier this week, we will be hosting this event virtually, with classroom and/or grade level meetings happening both evenings. This will help teachers have adequate time to prepare their rooms after the summer construction and cleaning wrap up, and will also avoid any issues that could arise from an indoor event of this magnitude- our goal is to have everyone start the year as healthy as possible! Since they begin later than us, PK will host their open house at a later date. Tentative times are listed below, and invitations via email for these virtual family meetings will be sent by our grade level teachers/teams that week. Keep your eyes open for more information coming your way in the next couple of weeks and we can’t wait to see all of our students back on August 30th!


Jason Richards, Middle School Principal

Allison Kahkonen, Elementary Principal

Samantha Pangburn, Assistant Principal

BCS Virtual Open House Dates/Times

August 25th

5:00 5th

5:30 6th

6:00 7th

6:30 8th

August 26th

5:00 K

5:30 1st

6:00 2nd

6:30 3rd

7:00 4th

Link to Supply Lists and Welcome Letters