Date 1/13/2021
Dear BCS Families,
This letter is a follow up to Mr. Palmer’s notice regarding BCS moving to remote learning for this Thursday and Friday. Although teachers will provide you with specific classroom/grade level information, we wanted to provide a general overview of what this means for BCS students and families. While we recognize the challenges that a transition to remote learning may present, our goal is to provide the same opportunities to students as they would have at school, on a schedule similar to their typical school day. A shift to remote learning means the following:
Students will continue to follow their A/B assigned days, participating in instruction with the classroom teacher virtually on their typical “in person” days, and completing work independently on opposite days.
Teachers will provide students with a schedule and invitations/links to classroom meetings/lessons. These will occur during regular school hours with breaks built in. Remote instruction takes place using Google Meets, and assignments will be posted on Google Classroom (3-8) and SeeSaw (K-2). The number and length of sessions vary by grade level.
Attendance is taken at each session on their assigned virtual learning day. Please contact the school office as normal and communicate with the classroom teacher(s) if your student will not be present. Should the need arise, teachers will communicate any changes in the schedule directly with families.
For additional opportunities while learning from home, our specialists/related arts staff will offer instruction to hybrid learners on M/Tu/Th/F using a similar schedule as they do at school, and on the days opposite the classroom teacher. (Ex: if your child usually attends school on A day, they will be invited to participate in their assigned related arts class(es) on B days, and vice versa.)
Other service providers may reach out directly to offer instruction.
School meals will be available for pick-up at 10:00 am. If you need to order a school lunch, please fill in the request form provided by the school dept. no later than 9:00 am.
Students/teachers who are already participating in remote learning prior to this will continue with their normal days and schedule of classroom meetings.
All families/students should expect to receive more detailed information from your teachers prior to 9:00 each morning. Even though our building is closed, we are here to help! Please don’t hesitate to email your teachers or to contact the school with any questions, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in person soon!
Jason Richards, Middle School Principal
Allison Kahkonen, Elementary Principal
Samantha Pangburn, Assistant Principal