Dear Families,
We are so pleased that the vast majority of our students will be joining us in person in just a few short weeks! (For those families who have requested remote learning, we have sent you a mailing with information separately.) Although a family handbook will also be shared by the School Department, this letter is intended to provide families of in-person learners with some basic information about what a typical 5-day week will look like. The week will usually include two days of in person learning at school, two days of learning at home, and one flex day.
A typical 5-day hybrid week:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Group A | In School | At Home | Flex/At Home | In School | At Home |
Group B | At Home | In School | Flex/At Home | At Home | In School |
In-Person Learning Days
All students following the hybrid plan have been assigned two days of in person learning at school each week, in either Group A or B. When these students are here, their day will resemble a normal school day in many ways. They will have access to core content areas of Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. During these lessons, teachers will introduce the topic, and provide guided practice opportunities for students to apply their learning with teacher support. However, some of the things will look a bit different. For example, elementary students will spend most of the day in their small group homeroom with their classroom teacher. Most of their Related Arts classes, as well as breakfast, snack, and lunch will also be in their classroom. Their outside time will be in much smaller groups than in previous years. Middle school students will also stay with a small group for the majority of the day and move from class to class with that group, including related arts. Middle school students will have lunch in the cafeteria one grade level at a time with students physically distanced, 2 per table throughout the entire cafeteria. There will also be many safety measures in place:
Staggered Arrival and dismissal procedures
Physical distancing measures
Individual student supplies
Masks and PPE
Hygiene protocols taught and practiced
Limited travel throughout the building
Small groups within classrooms, bigger pods only in larger spaces or outdoors
Water bottle filling stations (feel free to bring a labeled, reusable water bottle with you!)
Additional outdoor spaces to access
Signage throughout the building
Ongoing cleaning and sanitizing
“At-Home” Learning Days
Since our teachers will be working with other students on your child’s “at home” days, teachers will be providing them with work to do that is at their independent level. The amount of work will vary by grade level. Some of this work may include: books to read, worksheets, online assignments like IXL or draft writing. Teachers will collect and provide feedback on these assignments during the next in person day. It is expected that students will complete the work by the due date.
Flex Day
The Flex Day will occur on Wednesdays on any 5-day week. This day will be another “at home” learning day for students where they will have specific assignments to complete. On the flex day, teachers and staff will have meetings, as well as planning and preparation time. However, they will also be scheduling a class meeting, as a time to have all learners (Groups A and B) together, and to check in and offer support as needed. They may also schedule small group or 1:1 check in times as needed for providing enrichment or additional student support.
Be on the lookout for more information from your child’s teacher about a virtual open house before school starts. If you are unsure of who your child’s teacher is, or which group (A/B) they are assigned to, please reach out. We are so excited to have our students and staff back in school and will continue to provide you with updates as we get closer. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the school at 404-5700 and we will do our best to assist.
Jason Richards, Middle School Principal
Allison Kahkonen, Elementary Principal
Samantha Pangburn, Assistant Principal