Happy Fall

It’s hard to believe we are already into the fall season with the leaves changing colors.  September has been a very busy month at school with fall sports, school pictures, a few successful evacuation rehearsals and field trips.  The kindergarten class enjoyed a trip to Sullivan Orchard and Country Pumpkins while our 7th graders enjoyed a trip to Leonard's Mills. 

This year, Geskus completed our school photos, receiving wonderful feedback from both staff and students.  Each student will receive a proof sheet which will have an order code unique to their image with instructions on how to order printed on the proof. We are hoping to receive these proofs within the next few weeks.   You can also contact the Customer Service Department to take orders over the phone at 1-800-948-1120, ext. 1.  Retake day will be Wednesday, October 30th for new students and staff members, transfer students, anyone who may have missed initial picture day, OR for anyone who was unhappy with their original picture and would like to give it another try.  Just remember to have your child return the original picture package to the photographer on retake day.

The Fall NWEA testing window runs through October 27th for students in grades 2-8.  NWEA is a computer based test that includes literacy and math. Each lasts about an hour. We do these twice per year in Brewer to monitor progress of our students. These are also counting as our required MEA testing for grades 3-8.  Huge thank you to our staff and students in these grade levels for their hard work!

Mid Trimester Progress Reports will be sent home Monday, October 7th for students in grades 1-8.   Although Report Cards are issued each trimester, these reports should give you some good information about how your child is doing up to this point in the trimester. If you have any questions about this report, please contact the classroom teacher.

We have very eager UMA Dental Hygiene students coming to educate our Pre-K through grade 2 students by providing dental health basics on Thursday, October 17th.  What a great way to raise awareness about the importance of oral health and dental care.   

Finally, our friends at the Brewer Fire Department will be visiting the school on October 8th and 9th to provide fire safety education to our PK-4 students! 

It is extremely important that "first day paperwork” for your students be completed as soon as possible to help us ensure that all of your child’s information is accurate in our system.  These forms that would traditionally be sent home on your student’s first day of school are now available online on Infinite Campus.  Attached below are step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing these forms.  Please email Charity Rogers-Blanchard if you need any assistance.  Thank you for your help. 

Parent directions for IC (1).pdf

Upcoming dates:

10/04:   Mid Trimester Progress Reports

10/11:   No School - Teacher Workshop day   

10/14:   No School - Indigenous Peoples’ Day

10/15:   Elementary Chorus Begins

10/18:   PTU Trunk or Treat

10/30:   Picture Retake Day