May 24, 2024 Newsletter

Hi BCS Family,

Thursday, May 9th, our kindergarten classrooms had a special guest, Maine Guide Zach LaFreniere, owner of Wild Ferns Guide Service located in Howland. Zach taught our students all about Maine wildlife, how to stay safe when exploring on land and on water, the tools that people use for hunting and fishing and why we use them. The kindergarten class has been learning about Maine and the famous industries that we provide and we had a great time learning about part of our fishing industry from Zach!


Teacher Appreciation week (5/6 - 5/10) was a huge success with the PTU, Administration, Smokies BBQ and Walkers Garage serving everyone such a wonderful breakfast, lunch and even sweet snacks and treats throughout the week.  This was such a great way to recognize and appreciate all teachers who go above and beyond for all their students!  A huge thank you to Mr. Burby, Mr. Estes and the Student Council for the thoughtful notes, flowers, and gifts that were delivered throughout the week.

On Tuesday, May 14, the Conversational Spanish Class, taught by Senoria Smith at BHS, created four lessons to teach to the 4th grade students.  The high schoolers taught and led games while the 4th graders learned about the Spanish words for numbers, colors, animals and foods.  Fun was had by all!

Hannaford Helps Schools program is wrapping up and all School Dollar coupons must be submitted by June 1st.  To redeem unsubmitted School Dollars, visit  Thank you to all who participated and for making it another great year of the Hannaford Helps Schools program.   


During the spring semester,  Mrs. Coffey-Roope 1st grade classroom had a student teacher who was on the University of Maine swim team.  She was able to secure visits from the UMaine men's hockey team and the UMaine women's basketball team.  The UMaine hockey players visited first-grade classrooms to read a story and talk about being a student-athlete.  It was a great visit!  Then the UMaine women's basketball team came to visit first and second grade to also read and discuss being a student-athlete.  The students' loved the visit and had some great questions for the players.  What a great experience for our students at BCS to look up to male and female college athletes.  We hope to continue the visits next year.  

Carrie Graham from the College of the Atlantic came to present to Grade 2 students.  Her visit was a culminating activity for second graders after they had been  learning about oceans and ocean animals this spring.  Carrie brought a skeleton of a minke whale that the students were able to put together.  She also brought samples of  baleen, krill and other whale bones for students to examine. A huge thanks to the PTU for funding this wonderful educational experience for second grade! 

Our Grade 4 Leadership Council has been hard at work this spring. This group of students have been spreading the word about the “Way to B” in the cafeteria and on the playground. They have made placards, posters, and presentations to share. During the week of May 20-24, these students even visited and presented in k-4 classrooms on the “Way to B” expectations!

With the end of the school year quickly approaching, we wanted to provide you with a  list of school events coming up in the next few busy weeks.  Keep in mind that many teachers and grade level teams also have special events planned, and they will reach out directly to families with that information.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have, and we hope you have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

BCS End of Year Events 2024

May 27th - No School 

May 29th - Art Show  5:00pm-7:00pm

May 30th - Choral Concert - Elementary and BHS Chorus - 6:30pm

June 4-5 -Fields Pond at BCS for Grade 1

June 5th - BCS Grades 4-5 Jazz Band performance assembly  

June 7th - Grade 4 Field Trip to the UMaine Versant Planetarium

June 12th - 8th Grade Swan Lake

June 13th - 8th Grade Swan Lake (rain date)

June 13th - Field Day for Grades K-4  

June 13th - 8th Grade Dinner Dance 6:30pm-8:30pm @ Jeff’s Catering

June 14th - Field Day for Grades 5-8  

June 14th - Grades 5-8 End-of-the-Year Block Party from 5:00pm-7:30pm @ BCS Track

June 17th - Last Day, Early Release, Report Cards Home