BCS Family Update

April 29th, 2024

We hope that all of our BCS families had a restful and relaxing April vacation. Last week was a wonderful week back with students and staff! Below, please find a few items we wanted to make you aware of as we begin the final stretch of the school year! 

Progress Updates: We are halfway through our final trimester of the school year! Mid Trimester Progress Reports came home Friday, 4/26, for students in grades 1-8. Please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) with any questions or concerns.

End of year events: Spring events are in full swing here at school. Sports have begun, we had band and choral concerts, and the Family Glow Dance too! We are so happy to be once again planning for many of our traditional end of year events this May and June. Keep your eyes open for invitations and more dates coming soon!

Fall 2024 information: Please see the attached letter for information on the classroom placement process for the upcoming school year. We ask that any caregiver input for next year be submitted by email to the school counselors listed no later than May 9th, please. Also, if you have a student who will be in PK or K next year, please call the school so we can add your child to our list!

Assessments: Our spring testing window is up and running for grades 3-8. Students in these grade levels will complete both a math and reading test. These are computer based tests that each last about an hour. The kids are doing a great job so far! Students in grades 5 and 8 will also be completing the Maine Science Assessments. 

Early Release: We have an early release day coming up on Friday, May 10th. Middle School students are dismissed at 10:50 and Elementary students at 11:45. Please be sure to let teachers know if your child will be following a different routine for dismissal that day. 

Finally, our mornings have still been quite chilly here. It would be great to remind your child(ren) to bring a jacket or sweatshirt with them to school for those breezy morning recess times!  As always, we appreciate your continued support and involvement!

April 29th, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians:

In our preparation to make student placement decisions for the 2024-2025 school year, we have several important factors to consider.  At each grade level we will do our best to maintain an equal distribution of:

  • Class size

  • Boys and girls

  • Individual student academic needs

  • Socially balanced group to reduce peer conflicts

  • Special program requirements (e. g., IEP, Resource Room, 504 Plans, academic/social emotional interventions, Speech, OT/PT, Guidance, GT/Enrichment)

Please understand that in order to prioritize the above items, we have limited ability to honor requests for specific teachers, and such requests cannot be guaranteed.  However, we welcome any ideas that you feel would help your child have a successful school year.  If you have input you would like us to consider in this process, please submit this, in writing, no later than Thursday, May 9th. Please share your input with one of our school counselors, who will be organizing this information:

Grade             Email 

K-2      acraven@breweredu.org

3-5       ecaballero@breweredu.org

6-8       nsnowdeal@breweredu.org

Our goal is to place each child into a learning environment which will enhance his/her academic, social and emotional growth. Your child's academic strengths, learning style and modality, relationships with his/her peers and personality will all be considered as we make assignments for the next school year.


Mr. Richards, Mrs. Kahkonen, Mrs. Pangburn,

Mrs. Snowdeal, Mrs. Caballero, Mrs. Craven