BCS Family Update
April 2024
Hello BCS families!
On March 12th and 13th, Detective Lander from the Maine State Police Computer crimes unit did a one-hour presentation regarding cyberbullying, social media safety, and online threats to our middle school students. Detective Lander discussed how he has worked on real cases about children being groomed and taken advantage of on the internet in Maine. Detective Lander gave the following advice to our students:
Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know
Do not give personal information to anyone
Do not take or send revealing images of themselves to anyone
The overall goal of the presentation was to educate the students on the dangers of becoming victims and giving the students’ knowledge that would assist them in not becoming victims themselves.
On April 11, Betty Stone from Regional Dispatch will be doing a presentation with our K–4th grades regarding emergency 911 calls. She will discuss with students what to expect for questions from dispatch, even if the 911 call is accidental. Ms. Stone will be sharing a cartoon with the children, along with a question-and-answer session. One example Ms. Stone shared is that if your child needs to call 911 because you are unconscious and your cell phone is locked, what other means could your child use to get help?
BCS is having their 2024 Penny War to raise money for the Brewer Area Food Pantry & BCS Snack Program. Students can bring in change or bills to place in their “grade jars”. Teachers, visitors, and other staff can also donate to the grade of their choice. The goal, of course, is to raise donations for good causes right here in our Brewer Area Food Pantry and our own BCS Snack Program. However, this is also a competition in grades PK - 4. Whichever class raises the most money will win an ice cream party! (Middle School is also participating with slightly different rules).
Staff, students and our local police department did a great job during Our “Lockdown, Locks, Lights, Out of Sight'' drill that was completed on Friday, March 22nd. Staff and students did exactly what was asked of them and took the drill very seriously. Practicing this type of drill is essential for our safety at our school. We have completed 6 evacuation drills, a few “Secure” protocols and 2 lockdown drills so far and plan on having a few more safety rehearsals before summer break.
We are so excited to let you know BCS has been selected again by the State Leadership Team as a Hannaford Community Bag Program Nonprofit Partner! This time, BCS will receive $1 for each $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold during the month of May 2024 at our local Hannaford.
BCS currently has some large paintings displayed in the windows along the main hallway by the library. The portraits are on loan from Maine artist Robert Shetterly from his "Americans Who Tell the Truth" series. We currently have seven and are waiting for three more that weren't available until next week. There will be information posted by the artwork about the artist and the people depicted.
Spirit Week April 8-12 for Grades PK-8
Monday Hawaiian Day
Tuesday Character Day (Child Friendly)
Wednesday Western Day (Country & Western)
Thursday Comfy Clothes Day
Friday Brewer Spirit Day (Wear your Brewer Gear)
Upcoming Dates:
April 15- 19- Vacation Week
May 10 - Early Release Day