BCS Family Update
January, 2024
Dear families,
It is hard to believe that we are already at the midpoint of the 2023-2024 school year! Despite the crazy weather we have been having, our days at school have been very productive, and we are so proud of our staff and students for their effort since we returned from the winter break. Below please find a few upcoming events and things to know.
Mid trimester progress reports will be going home Friday, 1/19 with students in grades 1-4, and on Monday, 1/22 for students in grades 5-8.
January 25th is an early release day. Middle school students are dismissed at 10:50 and Elementary dismissal begins at 11:45. (Please note that this date is on a Thursday.) If your child has different after-school plans for the early release day, please be sure to send a note to their teacher.
January 22nd - 26th is “The Great Kindness Challenge Week” celebrated in schools from all over. During this week, we encourage staff, students, and families to engage in acts of kindness at home, in our school, and in the community.
There is no school for February vacation from Monday, February 19 - February 23. Our first day back at school will be Monday, February 26.
PreK - Kindergarten registration will begin February 1st. If you would like to be on the registration list, please email Kristi Carney at kcarney@breweredu.org.
The BCS PTU will be holding their next meeting on February 13th at 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome.
Finally, just a reminder that the cold weather is here. Please remind your student to come to school each day prepared with appropriate clothing for wintertime. We have outside recess as long as the “feels like” temperature is 10 or above!
As always, thank you for your continued support of our school. We hope you have a great weekend!