

Dear Brewer School Department Families & Staff:

Due to extreme heat and humidity the Brewer School Department will have a half day of school on Monday, June 7. 

While not precedent setting, a current combination of factors have led to this decision including that the Maine CDC still requires masking in our schools and, additionally, we need to filter as much outside air into our buildings as is possible throughout the day. On Monday we will be bringing in this very hot air creating even less tolerable conditions in our classrooms. Further, there will be limited opportunities to find relief from the heat given we cannot use typical mitigation tools like fans because that would risk blowing COVID-19 virus through our rooms if there was an undiagnosed positive case present. 

For all these reasons a half day is the safest decision at this point in time. 

We will run our ventilation system during the early morning hours when the outside air temperature is at its coolest so we can start the day having students and staff comfortable and, therefore, able to run productive lessons throughout the morning. 

We are looking at ways to better keep our learning spaces comfortable, but for Monday we will play it safe with a half day schedule.

Building administrators will follow up, but expect the same schedule and release times we have for the handful of half days we run throughout the years.


Gregg Palmer, Superintendent