Principles of Inclusiveness in the Brewer School Department

Principles of Inclusiveness for the Brewer School Department

  1. Express and practice fidelity in standing with and in support of our students and families of color, LGBTQIA students, female students, students with disabilities, and other students and families who have been marginalized in our society and at any time in the Brewer School Department.

  2. Create and maintain a safe, welcoming culture.

  3. Take steps to enact inclusive practices.

  4. Acknowledge our debt, as a school system, to students of color, LGBTQIA students, female students, students with disabilities, and other students who have been marginalized for believing in and being part of the fabric of a diverse organization knowing that diversity leads to stronger, higher levels of learning for everyone.

  5. Ask difficult questions and work together to find strong solutions that improve and support our diversity work across the school department. 

  6. Humbly listen in order to understand our studentsā€™ experiences in the Brewer School Department. 

* Approved by the Brewer School Committee, 7.6.2020