We look forward to having your student(s) enroll.

Please note that we are moving to a paperless process for registration. Please click on the link below to start the Enrollment Process!

Brewer Community School requires the following three (3) documents (1 from each group) before allowing a student to enroll. These documents must show current information.

  1. Proof of residency, Group A

    1. Property Tax Receipt

    2. Mortgage Agreement

    3. Rental or Lease Agreement (Rent receipts are not acceptable)

  2. Proof of residency, Group B

    1. Telephone bill

    2. Electric/Fuel Oil bill

    3. Cable/Satellite bill

    4. Water bill

    5. Cell phone bill

  3. Official birth certificate

If you have any questions, please contact the registrar at (207) 404-5701 ext 4138 or you may call the main office at 404-5700 and ask for Student Services.

Infinite Campus Online Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 School Year

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