Brewer School Department Bus Routes
Please see the link below to view the bus routes. To improve safety for our children, we have removed all house numbers from the bus routes. The roads and times are listed that the bus will be traveling down your road. The bus driver will stop at the locations listed on the route. Please have children that live in the same area congregate at these bus stops to be picked up/dropped off. If your child is in PreK-Grade 2, an adult must be present when the child is dropped off and we highly suggest walking your child to the bus stop. All possible efforts will be made to drop off and pick up at your house for PreK-2 if the bus is able to go down your road and turn around.
As in all previous years, we kindly request patience and understanding for the first few weeks of school as we iron out the details of our bus routes for another school year. It is not atypical to have buses run 10-20 minutes late in the morning and afternoon routes as we get things rolling, so please plan accordingly for the first few weeks of school and as always, if you are concerned or have questions, please call the Superintendent’s office.
If your child is a Brewer High School student but does not reside in Brewer, you must contact your local school department for pick up and drop off times.